
Super Steam was started in 1985 by Daniel Carey, with the intent to provide a thorough, modern and committed service in an emergent industry. Paralleling the growth of pressure washing and steam cleaning as a means of addressing industrial and commercial cleaning needs in the last 2-1/2 decades, Super Steam has solidified its position as an innovator and advocate for high standards and integrity, the better to serve our customers.

Our fleet of truck and trailer mount equipment is ready to take on your project, and to accommodate the unique needs of your situation. After more than 30 years in restaurant service, we understand how to fit into your schedule.

Restaurant exhaust system flue and duct cleaning is our specialty. We clean restaurant kitchen interiors, kitchen equipment, building exteriors & sidewalks. Whether you are a large scale industrial production kitchen, upscale fine dining establishment, chain restaurant, or a single unit family run diner, we can take care of your needs. Keep insurance, fire and health inspectors satisfied with our regular exhaust system maintenance contract services.

California Specialty Contractor License #940220 D-64

SINCE 1985!


Daniel Carey, Founder